Sunday, June 7, 2009

There's no such thing as an Italian Fender Bender.

While parallel parking in the wrong direction on the wrong side of the road, we hit the car in front of us; a fender-bender, if you will. I was the only one in that car of Italians to panic.

Nix: You just hit that car, that can't be okay, can it?!
Paulo: Why not? We have a bumper.

That is a summary of my life in Italy. Now please educate yourselves with the subtle differences between Italians and the rest of the European Union:

(If you can not view the video, click here).

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Brewski in Düssi

I spent a long weekend back in Germany to visit the place in which this (extended) year-long sojourn first began. A typical night out in Düssi with the best friends I could have made in the short amount of time that I lived there.

As with any night out, it was made even greater with wonderful company, extreme happenstance and a few rounds of beer. Kate, Sebastian, Devlin, Rania - I send you my love from Italy!