Saturday, April 11, 2009


I know I'm chronologically skipping around here, but this is a video I made of my trip to Genova on the 29th of March. 

"But Nix, it's almost Easter, where have you been?"

After a weekend in Brescia, I've worked every morning with students from the aerospace engineering department at Politecnico University here in Turin to make a video for an Airbus competition. Also, because the girls I teach English to were leaving for Paris on Thursday, I had to compress their weekly lessons into four straight nights, leaving me me exhausted by the end of each day and unable to work on the list of personal projects I had in mind. Alas, with the weekend bestowed upon me, I can sit on my orange couch and check things off my little post-it. Clean apartment, make video, write a blog, read a book, shop for stuff.

Now, without further ado, let me introduce Genova (and make sure you are watching in high quality).

Also, if you can not view the movie, please click here.

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