Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh, hail no.

I had just returned from my daily run (which was extra dangerous on this particular day for the high winds and sporadic weather left me with a small bump on my head and a leaf in my mouth) when The Mom sat me down to have our daily lunch. Our habitual seating arrangement has me facing the window, so when abnormal looking rain drops began to fall I was the first to jump up and declare that it was hailing!

"Girl, the sun is shining. It don't hail when the sun is out."

"Mal-func-tion. I don't know anything about hail," I told her, "tropical island, remember?"

A little disappointed, I sat back down to finish my meal. Ten minutes later, after nearly giving The Mom a heart attack, I was screaming and dancing in ice cubes. (Even robots can tell when rain is frozen).

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