Sunday, November 15, 2009

The tale of the super chestnuts.

Around midday, my flatmate and I walked over to a small market near the park to both stretch our Sunday legs and stock up on fresh produce.

We both have had a big thing for chestnuts which goes back to a few weeks ago to when her coworkers gave her a full bag to prepare at home. We sat around that day, peeling shells and commenting on how delicious something so simple could be. So, when I saw a dozen burlap sacks filled to the brim, I knew I had to be assertive and order a kilo.

With an enthusiasm that can only emerge when ordering chestnuts, I read the sign and said to the old man, "Un kilo di SUPER MARRONI!" Now, In order for you to understand the ways in which I embarrassed myself, you're going to have to take note of a few things.

1. Marroni = Chestnuts
2. The sign actually says, "Super offerta" (super offer).
3. I read, "Super Marroni"
4. I meant to say "Super Marroni!"
5. But I actually said, "ZZZUPER MARRONI!"

Ja, das ist wahr.

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